


In this page we rank TV shows via tier list.

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This  website is dedicated to finding out what the best TV shows are. In the future the goal is to make it so the viewers can send suggestions on what shows should be higher or lower ranked. There will be a blog talking about recent / old tv shows and what or why they are good.

There will alo be pages that dedicted to rank them on a tier list. The tier list is broken up into sections. S tier is the best because it is superb and it goes down from there. So A tier is next and B tier is less good. In the future we will add many more tier lists and more fueatures so tape in.

About Us

This website will have blogs and pictures explaining information and recommendations about what to watch. It will be constatly changing and updating. TV shows have been more popular than ever. We aren't just referring to stuff just exclusive to traditional TV, but also Netflix series, streaming services, and much more. We will tell you which streaming services have the best and most content.

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Feel Free To Leave Suggestions On What Shows To Add